september, 2026
15 (Dinsdag) 09:00 - 18 (Vrijdag) 18:00
Beurs details
De toonaangevende vakbeurs voor landschapsarchitectuur, onderhoud en aanleg van de stedelijke en groene ruimten en sportterreinen, golfbanen en speeltuinen is de enige beurs, die op
Beurs details

De toonaangevende vakbeurs voor landschapsarchitectuur, onderhoud en aanleg van de stedelijke en groene ruimten en sportterreinen, golfbanen en speeltuinen is de enige beurs, die op één plek de hele scala van producten presenteert, van planten tot machines.
Meer dan 66 000 bezoekers en zo’n 1 100 exposanten in 14 zalen onderstrepen de status van GaLaBau in de bloeiende tuin-en landschapsarchitectuur-sector.
De vakbezoekers zijn bedrijven uit de tuinbouw, landschapsarchitectuur en open-ruimte-bouw, en planners van de overheid, zowel provinciaal als gemeentelijke overheden. De beurs wordt aangevuld door spannende presentaties, speciale shows en lezingen.
Review GaLaBau 2018
The Official film of GaLaBau 2016
De wereld van GaLaBau
Construction machinery and equipment
- Earth-moving
- Construction of paths and squares, stonework
- Planting
- Grassed areas and seeding
- Measuring and testing
- Other construction machinery and equipment, special equipment
Maintenance machinery and equipment
- Maintenance of grassed areas
- Maintenance of wooded areas
- Maintenance of paths and squares
- Maintenance of sports grounds with sand, synthetic and synthetic grass surfaces
- Fertilizing and plant protection
- Vans, buses, lorries, accessories
- Trailers, low loaders
- Unloading systems, containers and other vehicle bodies
- Loading cranes
- Dumpers, minidumpers
- Forklift trucks
- Handtools
Plants, seeds
- Seeds
- Turf, seed mats
- Perennials, bedding plants, bulbs, tubers
- Trees and shrubs
Materials and components for construction and maintenance
- Materials and components for soils
- Natural stone for indoor and outdoor use
- Cast stone for indoor and outdoor use
- Wood materials for outdoor use
- Materials and components for irrigation and drainage, aeration
- Materials and components for tree protection
- Other materials and components
Urban design
- Equipment for courtyards, gardens, parks and residential streets
- Traffic, traffic reduction
- Private garden equipment and furniture
Playgrounds, leisure grounds, sports grounds
- Equipment for playgrounds
- Equipment for leisure grounds
- Equipment for sports grounds
- Other equipment
- Design, planning, consulting
- Installation, maintenance
Construction, maintenance and management of golf courses
- Construction machinery and equipment for golf courses
- Maintenance machinery and equipment for golf courses
- Materials, components and plants for golf courses
- Management, services and equipment for golf courses
Specialist sectors
- Grassing and planting in/on buildings
- Transplanting of large trees
- Tree maintenance and surgery
- Soil regeneration and aeration, amelioration
- Water handling, flood protection
- Recultivation of wasteland
- Anchoring by ecological means
- Acoustic and visual screens
- Cemetery equipment
Recycling, disposal, environmental protection for workshops and building sites
- Recycling and disposal of waste
- Environmental protection
Building sites, depots
- Trailers, containers, toilets
- Works transport and storage
- Tools, workshop equipment
- Work clothes, industrial safety
- Other equipment for building sites, depots
Organization, administration, services
- Data processing, telecommunications, multimedia
- Advertising, marketing
- Books, magazines, literature
- Consulting, planning, test stations
- Organization, administration, services
Associations, organizations
- Associations
- Organizations
- Training
- Consulting