Due to the current crisis surrounding the coronavirus, the organizers of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY have postponed the international trade fair for surface technology. The event, originally planned for June 2020, will move into autumn. The new date is 27–29 October 2020 in Stuttgart parallel to parts2clean.
For the trade fair industry, the current coronavirus pandemic has profound consequences. Now SurfaceTechnology GERMANY in Stuttgart has been postponed as well: the new date is 27–29 October 2020. “We were very well prepared, but we do not have a choice,” says Olaf Daebler, Global Director of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY. “A postponement of SurfaceTechnology GERMANY is absolutely necessary due to the decree situation in Baden-Württemberg. However, we are glad that we have managed to find an alternative date for the surface technology industry, which will then be able to launch new business in Stuttgart in the fall following the current crisis-related downturn.”
The Ministry of Social Affairs of Baden-Württemberg has issued a temporary, unlimited decree instructing the health authorities to cancel all major events involving more than 1,000 participants. This includes SurfaceTechnology GERMANY. After all, a trade fair requires preparation and reliable planning. With the new date, the international trade fair for surface technology will be held parallel to parts2clean at the Stuttgart Exhibition Centre – SurfaceTechnology GERMANY in Halls 5 and 7, and parts2clean in Halls 7 and 9.
This leads to a situation that already existed in 2014 and 2016, when the two events ran parallel and shared one of a total of three halls. “There are good synergy effects between SurfaceTechnology GERMANY and parts2clean,” says Daebler, who is responsible for both trade fairs within the team at Deutsche Messe AG. “Some of the visitors will be very interested in visiting both trade fairs.”
While SurfaceTechnology GERMANY covers the entire spectrum of surface technology, parts2clean presents industrial parts and surface cleaning for all user industries.